The Student Climate Data project is funded by NASA as part of their NASA Innovations in Climate Education (NICE) initiative to improve the quality of the nation’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education and enhance students’ and teachers’ literacy about global climate and Earth system change.

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Engaging Students in the Science of Climate Change: Using Earth Observing Data in the Classroom

Human activities, including CO2 emissions, deforestation and other forms of land cover change, exert substantial pressures on the Earth's climate system.  Changes in climate that have already begun will likely unfold over decades to centuries and will be shaped by the decisions of future generations. This project has developed student climate change curriculum materials that combine new resources from a GLOBE carbon cycle science education initiative with NASA Earth observation data. Through ‘Student Climate Data’ activities, students can become familiar with Earth observation data and the science of climate change by conducting their own research investigations using NASA Earth observation data and based on their own questions and/or self-designed procedures.  

Students - Find climate change data and tools in the Data Tools tab

Teachers - Find lesson plans, student materials, and other resources in the Teacher Resources tab

For more information about the project see the:
NASA Innovations in Climate Education website