Part2: Investigating Climate Data
- What are the expected changes in climate for your region?
- What research questions stem from the field observations & preliminary research of climate change predictions?
- Global Climate
Models = evaluate the physical processes occurring
throughout the Earth's land-ocean-atmosphere system.
Generate predictions extending 100 years into the future.
- Emission Scenarios = Characterize the heat-trapping gasses that we expect to find in the atmosphere based on different scenarios describing future trends in population growth, energy use, economic development, and technology use. For more information on models and emission scenarios see information from the World Meteorological Organization.
Materials (one per student):
- Pencil, Science Notebook
- Computer with Internet access
- Investigating Climate Data document
- The Instructor or students will need the latitude and
longitude of the study location in order to use the Single
Site Climate Data tool. Use the Carbon
Mapper to determine the lat/lon of any location.
Estimated Time:
- 1.5 hours
What to do and how to do it:
- INTRODUCTION: Provide brief overview of climate change models and emission scenarios and introduction to the Data Tools Page with links to the climate tools.
- Students individually explore three climate tools depicting anticipated climate change in the future. Use the tools to answer: What are the expected changes in climate my region?
- Temperature & Precipitation Animation visual tool
- Current and Future Climate Maps visual tool
- Single Site Climate Data visual tool
- Students individually describe and quantify the anticipated climate change in their region. The structured inquiry experience directs students to specific data and provides data tables for recording trends. The guided inquiry experience offers students options for data collection, and and opportunity to design a means of recording trends in climate change in the science notebook.
- Students discuss the climate trends with a partner. Students use the data to
respond to the guiding questions
- WRAP-UP: Students with a partner develop predictions and questions about how the field plot, in particular abundant tree species, may be impacted by climate change. Note predictions and questions on the Investigating Climate Data handout and/or chart paper.
- Students report their questions during whole class wrap-up.